From my desk...
Kudos to our good friends at Opera who announced yesterday that they had reached the milestone of 1 billion web pages served in the first 7 months since they launched their awesome Opera Mini browser. Interestingly Russians topped the list of most avid mobile browsers, followed by U.S., India, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. High mobile usage in many countries is a reflection of low PC penetration, though U.S. users would seem to want to consume their web anywhere and everywhere. Sony, which this week unveiled its Mylo handheld web surfing and email device--with Opera bundled, is banking on this growing popularity. But for $349 couldn't they have matched the Sidekick and built in a phone?
hear hear!
Why do you need a cell when you can use Skype on the Mylo for pennies? Personally, I will save over $600 a year using the Mylo instead of being a lifetime slave to cell carriers. So far it works great. And the rest of the multi-media features are bonus. Especially being able to surf the web easily and access/reply to email as well. But there must be plenty of free WiFi available to make it beneficial. Luckily my city has plenty of WiFi hotspots. Someday everyone will figure out what this device is about. Probably when Apple comes out with their ichat phone next year.
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