Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Kudos All Around

I wanted to take a few minutes to thank some folks out there who have been spreading the good word about Mobileplay. Dan Tynan of PC World listed us as one of the best “Five Ways to Put the Web in Your Pocket.” Although the article had one small inaccuracy—we are not part of the empire, they are just linking to us--it was picked up by the Washington Post site among others. Both PCW and the WP, coincidentally, are partners in our mobile portal. And last month we were honored by AlwaysOn: The Insider Network as one of the Top 100 emerging technology companies to watch. Our five-star rating placed us in some amazing company. In addition to several of our competitors in the mobile advertising space, such as AdMob and Third Screen Media, the honorees included such Web 2.0 favorites as Digg, Facebook, FeedBurner, Spot Runner, Yelp and Zango.


Popsie said...

With all the "kudos all around", it is amazing to me that you allow open solicitation of minors for sex and photos, as well as adults openly (on their profiles) looking for sex from minors.


The Fight! said...

I visited the site and am appalled at what I saw. Not only were there vulgar nude teen photos on profiles, there is also a forum with member posts, viewable to all, with disturbing obscene content, from pedophilia to beastiality.

This is not a service I would want my teen using, yet you promote this kind of filth.

Admin was contacted about the problem and claimed it would be "slave work" to go through profiles, thus, obviously refusing to clean up the site.

This appears to be nothing more than a safe haven for pedophiles and perverts.